Thursday, August 16, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sgt Pepper
Jagermeister cap (secondhand)
shades ( liz claiborne)
Slouchy tee (Old Navy)
Scissor Necklace (Cosmoprof)
Guitar Necklace (A gift)
Backpack (Ecotrend)
Bracelet (Lia Sophia)
Cutoffs (Dickies)
Anklet (Jamaica)
Platform Heels (Soda)
Hey guys, I'm back again. ;) With the official start of spring (Though it's feeling more like summer here!) I've honestly just been super relaxed regarding my wardrobe. The shirt is just something I picked up on sale the other day while getting my spring/summer basics at Old Navy. It was like, 5 dollars, which I thought was pretty awesome. :)
My boyfriend and I were are the local secondhand shop this past Saturday, and he bought me this hat. It reminds me of these bizarre party sunglasses I used to have, with chrome Jack Daniels Logos stamped on either eye. I miss those, hahaha. :)
Hopefully with sun staying up longer, I'll be able to post more often soon, because I miss blogging. I'd like to thank all of my followers for sticking around, too. I really appreciate it!
That's all for now, kids. Sooo, ya know - till next time. ;D
xoxo, Clovebud.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Can I kick it?
Cropped Hoodie (Threads4thought)
Rose Quartz Pendant (A gift)
Mint Green V Neck (Nollie, Pacsun)
Cutoff Shorts (Bongo)
The weather has been incredibly nice lately, so I've been throwing together comfortable and casual looks for the past week or so! Also, I'm just bussing tables lately, so I'm not dressing to the nines or anything. ;) Torn shorts and a tshirt or tank are my favorite go to, personally - especially with a cropped hoodie layered over it :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Fashion Iconoclast
Sunglasses (Liz Claiborne, Vintage)
Floral Scarf (Secondhand, Vintage)
Suitcase (Samsonite, Vintage)
Green Velvet Coat (Secondhand)
Blue Coat (Secondhand)
Platform Boots (Secondhand)
Hey guys! This look is super vintage, and definitely inspired by fashion from different time periods. In fact, I think it implies a little androgyny as well - despite the floral.
I decided to throw in the suitcase based on emotional reasons rather than practical ones. I'm not going anywhere just yet, but I'm expecting to move in with my currently long distance boyfriend in a few months; and as excited as I am about that, I'm stressed. Do you ever feel like you have just way too much going on in your life? I know I do. I don't always mind being busy, but I have such high expectations of what I'm capable of achieving sometimes, and it seems too easy to let something fall by the wayside in order to catch up with myself.
A quick update - my laptop is going to have to be completely reformatted (which is basically a nerdy way of saying "everything needs to be removed from the hard drive) which means I won't be getting it back for another week or so. In the meantime, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. It's not sooo bad. :P
Also, I'll be sewing and designing away! I've decided to put up some handmade items on Etsy for new camera funding (among, well, life expenses. Haha.) So I'll let you know when that gets rolling. Any support is extremely appreciated!
That's all for now. See you next time. :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Dirty Electric
Beanie (F21)
Shades (Liz Claiborne, Vintage)
Cardigan (Lauren Conrad)
Shorts (Cutoffs, Forever 21)
Tights (Target)
Platform Boots (Goodwill)
I've posted 3 days in a row, Holy Smokes! I've been really missing blogging since the camera/laptop massacre - I'm going to try and get it (the laptop) fixed this weekend, so keep your fingers crossed for me, guys!
As soon as I have regular internet access again, I'm going to get my Etsy and/or Ebay accounts set up. I'll be selling some of the pieces I've featured in my look posts, as well as (possibly) some limited edition, Handmade by Clovebud items. ;) The proceeds will be going towards replacing my camera. Woohoo!
Also, I feel really guilty for not commenting/following/tweeting, etc as much as I usually do. I appreciate all of the comments, followers, and fans and I'm sorry guys. I hope you can understand my recent absence from the blogosphere! I still read every bit of feedback from you all, and every comment or new fan still brightens my day. :)
Thanks for reading, and 'til next time...
xoxo, Clovebud.
ps: This is my 50th post! Woohoo!
ps: This is my 50th post! Woohoo!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Fade to Sepia
Little Red Backpack (Eco Trend, from Goodwill)
Oversized Sweater (Denim & Co)
High Waist Shorts (Rampage)
"Huette" Wedge Ankle Booties (Kelsi Dagger)
I was mad stoked to pick up this backpack last time I was at the Goodwill - I've been looking for one forever! On my frame (average height, super lanky) most backpacks look oversized and disproportionate on me. This one is just right - also, it's red! A perfect accessory for someone who's nearly constantly clad in head to toe in neutrals and bright lip colours.
The sweater is also from the Goodwill and reeeally comfy, which is perfect for Wednesdays. (Ugh, Wednesdays. :l )
These are the boots I mentioned in yesterday's post- are they not amazing? Like I said, they aren't nearly as hard to walk in as you'd think.
That's all for now. Stay tuned, loves :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Aurora Sky
Wicker hat (vintage)
Denim Jacket (Abercrombie and Fitch, vintage)
Top (secondhand)
Rose Quartz Pendant (a gift)
*Sheer Ombre Maxi Skirt (Sugarlips Apparel)
Platform Heels (Dollhouse, secondhand)
Long time no see! I feel guilty, because I keep saying "I'll post today!" and I don't get around to it. I'm having some serious issues with my laptop, so I have to find someone else who'll let me use theirs for an hour or so to edit photos and whatnot (thus, the limited amount of pictures).
Remember when I mentioned those collaborations a little while ago? Well, Sugarlips Apparel sent me this beautiful skirt, and I'm mad excited to start wearing it when it warms up! If I look cold here, it's because I am. However, I wanted to get a few photos out before too long. the skirt is called The Aurora Sky Skirt, and it's one of their new Spring Arrivals. If you're interested, I'd recommend you swing by and pick one up quick, because I guarantee these are gonna be hugggeee this spring and summer.
I'll try not to drag on too long, but I want to say a couple more things before I end
the post due to my sporadic web situation.
the post due to my sporadic web situation.
Fans and followers - meet the Kelsi Dagger Huette Wedge Bootie.
I just picked these bad boys up for a serious steal (although, I still had to pay for them :P ) They currently retail at around $85-$90 dollars on sale, but they are insanely worth it. No joke, I went out wearing them to the grocery store to get a feel for walking in them (which isn't that bad, by the way!) and got sooo many compliments. By the way - I was also rolling classy without makeup, in leggings, the denim jacket, and my primary colored paisley scarf with my hair in a topknot, hahaha.
I'd like to end this post by saying that I will be adding a disclaimer to the menu bar under my blog header. I don't plan to entirely sell out, so don't worry. ;) I just want to make sure that all of you cool cats know about any sponsored posts, gifts, or collaborations I do in the future. On that note, if you've got a sweet clothing line that you're looking to promote, let me know! I'll check it out - just send me an email and we can talk biz.
Wow, that was long. See what happens when my rampant fashion lust goes untended to? D:
I hope to be doing more posts and less novels in the near future. That's all for now. ;)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Hard Rock Ballet
Necklace (Lia Sophia)
Jacket (Lucky Brand)
Cardigan (GAP)
Dress (BCBG)
Velvet Boots (Dr Martens)
Charm Bracelet (Juicy Couture)
This is one of my go to looks, it's pretty basic and jam packed with mainstream designer label items, hahaha. :P
Not much to update you guys with, although I picked up a new pair of kicks and some overalls at the Goodwill today. ;)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Truly Effortless
Sunglasses (Liz Claiborne)
Jacket (Abercrombie and Fitch, Vintage)
Hoodie (Dollywood, TN)
Tank (H&M)
Velvet Hot Pants (DIY)
Creepers (Demonia)
So this is actually what I wore on Sunday(yesterday), but I didn't get a chance to post about it until today. This hoodie is something I got on a trip a couple years ago, and it used to be really huge but it shrunk in the dryer! It's kind of a cropped hoodie now because it's so wide, but I like it better now. ;) Super cozy! I didn't wear much makeup yesterday either as I was just running out to pick up some groceries, but a fedora, sunglasses and a little lipstick always does the trick!
So anyways, I'm sure you might expect me to blog about New York Fashion Week Fall 2012 Trends, but I'd honestly say that Olivia Palermo's Blog does a better job of covering that than I or anybody else probably could. ;)
What I will say is that I'm feeling mad excited for the summer! It's been a long and dragging winter here is Chicago, and I'm done with it to tell you the truth. Also, while one piece bathing suits are Classic Vogue and rarely go out of style, I know that this summer is going to be all about bikinis, and I'm pretty pumped to start posting looks incorporating them in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!
xoxo, Clovebud.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Oslo In the Summertime
Shades (Liz Claiborne)
Scarf (Vintage)
Sweater (H&M)
Shorts (cutoffs)Socks (Target)
Red Velvet Boots (Dr. Martens)Ahhh hey guys, long time no post, yeah? My laptop is getting all messed up now too, so basically all my electronics are freaking out on me. No worries, I'm working on getting a new camera and I guess I'll add a laptop on the list! I might end up selling my vintage Dooney, among a few other pieces. Any requests? ;)
That's right - I'll probably get my Etsy account up and running so as to get this technological chaos taken care of, so if you're on Etsy, it would be fantastic if you might add me in the meantime while I'm sorting things out.
Thanks for stopping by. That's all for now. :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
ps, remember that collaboration I mentioned a while back? I'm taking on a second one as well! More to be announced.
Monday, February 13, 2012
2/12/12: Compare and Contrast
Cardigan (American Eagle)
Shirt (One Clothing)
Shorts (Celebrity Pink)
Bracelet (Forever 21)
So I was feeling some serious blogging withdrawl, and figure I'd get a couple photos up here regardless of quality. However, I'm thinking about putting some things up on ebay towards a new camera, but we'll see how it goes.
I jst picked up the shorts and top from TJ Maxx, and I'm seriously loving this intense colour combo. Green and blue tend to be part of my palette in general, but in these unexpected shades (the neon paired with the darker top), this outfit works surprisingly well for me.
For Valentines day I'm not sure I'll dress up much. I celebrated V-Day early over the weekend, due to the semi-long-distance nature of my relationship. We went to this really cute little brunch place called the Honey Cafe. If any of you guys ever find yourselves in Downtown Glen Ellyn or the general West Chicagoland Area, I highly reccommend that you check it out! They've got some really great Artisan type food as well as Vegan and Gluten Free options, and although they're occassionally packed, it's worth the wait. ;)
Happy Valentines Day :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Friday, February 10, 2012
My camera is broken. :(
Hey guys, I'm about to leave for the weekend but I wanted to let you know that I didn't disappear or anything. ;) The camera I've been using no longer works! I have a couple other ones, but the quality is not nearly as good. I'll try and get this sorted out ASAP, but in the mean time I'll continue to post - either without photos, or slightly lower quality ones that won't be posted to lookbook, etc. Hopefully I can get this figured out within the week.
Thanks everyone :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Gypsies Don't Fly Planes.
Headscarf (vintage)
Army Jacket (Clio)
Sweater (H&M)
Planner (Hato Hasi)
Shorts (Bongo, cutoffs)
Creepers (Demonia)
Okay, so remember when I mentioned my "Inner Gypsy Fighter Pilot" a week or so ago? Well, there you have it. ;) This photo is actually from a couple days after that post; I just never got around to putting it up, and figured it was better to post it later anyway.
This beige sweater is still one of my favorite things ever - the way it fits is definitely a little strange and takes getting used to, but it's very flattering on tall, thin builds. (It's like an anti-dolman sleeve, ahaha) And as I've mentioned a few times before, I got a big box of vintage scarves/hair accessories from my grandmother when I started growing out my pixie crop haircut, which is where the scarf is from.
I'm still tweaking around with my layout, but it'll be very user friendly once it's all finished and clean, so stay tuned and thanks for listening. ;)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Just cupcakes.
I had a really busy, long day and didn't get a chance to take an outfit photo. :( I mentioned I'd get pictures of my cupcakes on my last post, and while the ones I baked last night were plain old chocolate with vanilla frosting, I like to keep my word. ;)
I was just messing around with piping the frosting to see if I could come up with something cute for Valentine's day. Those are supposed to be hearts (hahaha) and the bottom one is just some sort of cross hatch pattern.
I'll get an outfit post tomorrow; stay tuned and see you next time. :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
I was just messing around with piping the frosting to see if I could come up with something cute for Valentine's day. Those are supposed to be hearts (hahaha) and the bottom one is just some sort of cross hatch pattern.
I'll get an outfit post tomorrow; stay tuned and see you next time. :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Monday, February 6, 2012
2/6/12: A Wallflower Punch Talks to Judy
blazer/cardigan (GAP)
Sunglasses (Vintage, Liz Claiborne)
Scissor Necklace (CosmoProf)
Blue Beanie (Secondhand)
Platform Boots (Goodwill)
I didn't even realize this until I looked at the photos, but I kinda look like Judy from that old school "Doug" cartoon, hahaha.
So today was Monday - and although I like Mondays, it was pretty hectic. I'm off to bake vegan cupcakes now, so I'll definitely take photos and post them up ASAP! Maybe I'll even include a recipe. ;)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
2/5/12: Pastels, Neon, and Superbowl Sunday.
knitted beanie (Forever 21)
rhinestone heart necklace (Lia Sophia)
bustier dress (Forever 21)
Vintage Abercrombie and Fitch Denim Jacket
Creepers (Demonia)
It was so nice out today, so I had to bring out this edgy sundress from F21. I've mentioned before that I don't like wearing pastels because they wash me out, but against black and my signature denim jacket, I find that they can actually be very flattering!
I've procrastinated on this post just a bit because I've been home for a few hours now, but I did want to make a quick special announcement - My blog has officially reached 50 followers via Bloglovin and Google Friend Connect! Thanks guys, you rock! :) Also, I've officially reached 500+ fans on Lookbook! Yayyy :D
These might not seem like huge numbers to some of you, but to me they're major milestones. :) I appreciate all of my fans and followers, and I admit that I haven't been as attentive to you guys as I usually am. There's a ton of stuff going on in my life right now and I'm super busy, but I'll try and make it up to you, I promise. ;)
On that note, I've recently put some work into creating new graphics on the right sidebar, which all link to my profiles on various social networking sites. So, if you would follow/fan/check them out, I'd super appreciate it!
Thanks guys, I'll be doing a lot more graphic constructing this week, so stay tuned - that's all for now. :)
xoxo, Clovebud.
Friday, February 3, 2012
2/3/12: I Fought the War, but the War Won.
beanie (Forever 21)
rose quartz pendant (from mi madre)
cardigan (GAP)
velvet boots (Dr. Marten)
Do I look tired? Because I'm tired.
Also, I had to stop myself from calling this "Anarchy and and Fitch", har har har.
It's been a long week, and I'm excited to see the semi-long-distance boyfriend again tonight! Maybe I'll finish the drawing I started last week. ;)
So, this skirt is actually from last summer's clothes, but none of the local secondhand shops wanted to take it for some reason. It's been a long time since I've worn a maxi skirt, so I figured I'd give it a go. Honestly, this is a pretty lazy comfy outfit for me - and my outfits are usually that way to begin with!
Anyways, I'm sort of caught up (I've got to pack for the weekend!) but I also wanted to note that I've officially been growing my pixie out for a year. :) Unfortunately, I've got the "dog ears" thing going on with my bangs, and it looks awful. It's kind of funny, though; not sure if you've ever grown out a pixie cut, but it's a process that involves a lot of laughing and crying.
I figured I'd throw some photos up for you guys, because I just started this blog so you have no idea what types of crazy things I've done with my hair. :)
A little bit before the pixie cut:
After the haircut: Silver with white highlights.

And then I coloured it green:
Yeahh. but anyways, I definitely prefer the way it is now. ;)
that's all for now!
xoxo, Clovebud
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