Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sgt Pepper

Jagermeister cap (secondhand)
shades ( liz claiborne)
Slouchy tee (Old Navy)
Scissor Necklace (Cosmoprof)
Guitar Necklace (A gift)
Backpack (Ecotrend)
Bracelet (Lia Sophia)
Cutoffs (Dickies)
Anklet (Jamaica)
Platform Heels (Soda)

Hey guys, I'm back again. ;) With the official start of spring (Though it's feeling more like summer here!) I've honestly just been super relaxed regarding my wardrobe. The shirt is just something I picked up on sale the other day while getting my spring/summer basics at Old Navy. It was like, 5 dollars, which I thought was pretty awesome. :)

 My boyfriend and I were are the local secondhand shop this past Saturday, and he bought me this hat. It reminds me of these bizarre party sunglasses I used to have, with chrome Jack Daniels Logos stamped on either eye. I miss those, hahaha. :)

Hopefully with sun staying up longer, I'll be able to post more often soon, because I miss blogging. I'd like to thank all of my followers for sticking around, too. I really appreciate it!

That's all for now, kids. Sooo, ya know - till next time. ;D

xoxo, Clovebud.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can I kick it?

Cropped Hoodie (Threads4thought)
Rose Quartz Pendant (A gift)
Mint Green V Neck (Nollie, Pacsun)
Cutoff Shorts (Bongo)

The weather has been incredibly nice lately, so I've been throwing together comfortable and casual looks for the past week or so! Also, I'm just bussing tables lately, so I'm not dressing to the nines or anything. ;) Torn shorts and a tshirt or tank are my favorite go to, personally - especially with a cropped hoodie layered over it :)

xoxo, Clovebud.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fashion Iconoclast

Sunglasses (Liz Claiborne, Vintage)
Floral Scarf (Secondhand, Vintage)
Suitcase (Samsonite, Vintage)
Green Velvet Coat (Secondhand)
Blue Coat (Secondhand)
Platform Boots (Secondhand)

Hey guys! This look is super vintage, and definitely inspired by fashion from different time periods. In fact, I think it implies a little androgyny as well - despite the floral.

I decided to throw in the suitcase based on emotional reasons rather than practical ones. I'm not going anywhere just yet, but I'm expecting to move in with my currently long distance boyfriend in a few months; and as excited as I am about that, I'm stressed. Do you ever feel like you have just way too much going on in your life? I know I do. I don't always mind being busy, but I have such high expectations of what I'm capable of achieving sometimes, and it seems too easy to let something fall by the wayside in order to catch up with myself.

A quick update - my laptop is going to have to be completely reformatted (which is basically a nerdy way of saying "everything needs to be removed from the hard drive) which means I won't be getting it back for another week or so. In the meantime, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. It's not sooo bad. :P

Also, I'll be sewing and designing away! I've decided to put up some handmade items on Etsy for new camera funding (among, well, life expenses. Haha.) So I'll let you know when that gets rolling. Any support is extremely appreciated!

That's all for now. See you next time. :)

xoxo, Clovebud.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dirty Electric

Beanie (F21)
Shades (Liz Claiborne, Vintage)
Cardigan (Lauren Conrad)
Shorts (Cutoffs, Forever 21)
Tights (Target)
Platform Boots (Goodwill)

I've posted 3 days in a row, Holy Smokes! I've been really missing blogging since the camera/laptop massacre - I'm going to try and get it (the laptop) fixed this weekend, so keep your fingers crossed for me, guys!

As soon as I have regular internet access again, I'm going to get my Etsy and/or Ebay accounts set up. I'll be selling some of the pieces I've featured in my look posts, as well as (possibly) some limited edition, Handmade by Clovebud items. ;) The proceeds will be going towards replacing my camera. Woohoo!

Also, I feel really guilty for not commenting/following/tweeting, etc as much as I usually do. I appreciate all of the comments, followers, and fans and I'm sorry guys. I hope you can understand my recent absence from the blogosphere! I still read every bit of feedback from you all,  and every comment or new fan still brightens my day. :)

Thanks for reading, and 'til next time...

xoxo, Clovebud.

ps: This is my 50th post! Woohoo!